Why Health? Why Here? With Music?


My name is Steve and I am a Composer. Because of my early work with kids from NYC, and later experiments in eliminating the middleman via at-the-cusp-of-the-internet technologies, I have lived my own American Dream story.  I began at age 33.  I am now 54.  

Writing Music for thousands of world-wide conductors and audiences in all sorts of venues is not without its physical tolls.  That is why Health and Fitness, in all its many forms, has always been much more than a hobby to me.  It is a Mission.  It is what keeps me physically able to dig down again and again, spend 21/7 days year after year and remain a fit Father for my two young kids.

My interest in physical, mental and spiritual Health, in Sport, Nutrition, Human Anatomy & Kinesiology, and specifically in the Martial Art began when I was born to 11 (eleven!) Grandparents.  They lived into their late 80s and 90s… with a Great Aunt reaching her Centanni!  (100 years!)

I also studied Nutrition and Kinesiology as part of my Masters Degree.  From the rigors of Martial Art training to basic calisthenics and day-to-day maintenance and diet, I make an effort to remain strong enough to do what I want and need to do.  I am not an expert.  But perhaps you can relate to someone who does these things in order to pursue something else.  I think that describes most of us.  Our job is not “fitness,” but it sure is good to be as fit as possible.

I’ve set up this page as a compressed source and turnkey page for products and links that you may find useful in researching and then supporting your own goals.  There are links (or soon will be) to products I have tried, or researched enough to believe they will help you.  Now… please keep in mind that this site is brand new and there are still many links and items I need to set up, but they’ll be coming soon!

“Why We Gather,” takes its name from the Veterans I have been blessed to know.  In future posts, I’ll share with you many of the things I learned from these great Souls.

As Time allows, I will continue to update this page with useful links.  In the pursuit of your goals and your personal Mission… I wish you the best always and Godspeed!  Steve

© Stephen Melillo 2012

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