Another first for our band world.  Read one of the full press releases here, and share!

After confirming with adjudicators the non-template authenticity of these words, I send respectful gratitude for the sentiments, unique wording, and recognition offered IN A CATEGORY that did NOT YET EXIST.

A humble, heartfelt thank you to the LIT Adjudicators, who, in their generosity not only recognized the Music to be in a category “unique in all forms”, but took the Time to share those thoughts and offer an award respectful of the other amazing writers who deserved recognition in the “Songwriting” category.  Thank you so much for this validation and encouragement in moving forever forward.  Godspeed!  Stephen Melillo, Composer

Welcome to STORMWORKS®,  a StormWORLD of...

Music, Teaching Tools & Resources for Teachers & Ensembles 
of the 3rd Millennium™

Habet Virtus Fine Corunum

See below for how STORMWORKS is organized, and how to navigate this VAST site, which began in 1998.

Download a complete to-date, sortable, (by Grade Level, Duration, Commissioners, etc.) STORMWORKS catalog in Excel here:

Download a STORMWORKS 1990s-2020s Order Form in PDF here:

Download the 1990s-2020s STORMWORKS Creative Fees Schedule here:

Want to know the Story, get inside the Music as a STORMAficionado Get your 2024-25 LOOKBOOK. 

Recent News & Events:

Discover STORMWORKS Chapter 89: Worlds Within the World
recorded Live in Luxembourg , with these links:

STORMWORKS Chapter 89: Worlds Within the World: 
135 Minutes of New Concert Music, Intro & Underscore.
Libretto (art in itself)
Stream via:
To own the album:  STORMTracks 
Score info & ordering: Chapter 89
Enjoy & Godspeed! S
YouTube GO LIVE link:

From “Last World Standing” Heroes of Peace
By © Stephen Melillo, IGNA 2006

HOLODMOR, a Film (YouTube Video)
WARNING: Uses graphic, archival photographs from the 1933 Ukrainian Holodomor

Cindy Paulos interviews Stephen Melillo
Composer of "Beyond Courage, Kakehashi: THAT WE MIGHT LIVE". 


USPS costs are now almost doubled.  I haven't changed prices since the 1990s.  Many schools can now print & bind Tabloid (11X17).  Let's use PDFs in email when possible.  When placing an order, CUSTOM-WATERMARK info is needed.  Please use this form and let me know if you can accept the SCORES as PDFs with the Parts.   Email-Custom-Watermark & Contact List  (Please do this Before or right after ordering.)

Beginning in 1988, Stephen Melillo was the first Composer to pioneer self-publishing for Music Education in 1992 (eps to Norway) and send PDF Music worldwide in 1996.  For a complete list of "Firsts" click here: 

To see the Story of the First (eps) Modem send in 1992, click here:
If new or rediscovering STORMWORKS, please watch thisClick here.
STORMWORKS, a complete compilation Playlist on SPOTIFY here.



It's been an interesting  5 months!  

The newest award is for  “Best New Age Album”  in the New Age Notes Music Awards.  In a post on this topic, I wrote, "I am usually known as a Composer of Music for Band, (and Orchestra, and Jazz Ensemble, etc.). The fact that such a Composer could win “Best New Age Album” and the “Hollywood Music in Media Award for Best Epic/Orchestral Music” is yet another testament to the fairness and open-mindedness of the adjudicators.  It means that EXPRESSION is paramount… not the medium. For this, THANK YOU!

Visit Stephen's Novels at his Amazon Author Page

Recent Albums - Streaming Links:

All Digital Libretti (Liner Notes) may be found under the Resources & STORMAficionados Tab.

Love Conquers All

Embracing Sorrow


The Grey II-III




"You were a huge inspiration for me in my first steps as a composer. Always is a pleasure back to your works and check how they keep being “lonely resonant islands” where to take shelter when one is castaway into the noisy landscape of our century.”  Antón Alcalde, Composer, Conductor Hsinchu Municipal Wind Orchestra


Symphony IIII: Lightfall (the band version) premiered in España on 20 August 2022, Saül Gomez-Soler conducting La Armonica de Buñol.  Watch an amazing video in an amazing place with amazing Musicians, Conductor, and Audience, here: 



Symphony IIII: Lightfall,  was nominated for the Pulitzer and Nemmers Prize in Music. Winner of three 2009 Telly & Ava Awards for his 2005 Visualized Concert, Kakehashi: THAT WE MIGHT LIVE, Stephen's concert-version was also nominated for the Pulitzer Prize in Music.



"What has made these nominations meaningful to me were the people who nominated them.  (I did not submit them.)  TWML by Veterans and a Filmmaker. Symphony IIII by Gerhardt Zimmermann and the Canton Symphony Orchestra, who even paid the entry fees. These works will long stand as testaments to those who nominated them and more importantly to those for whom these works were offered in Tribute. Godspeed!"

Introduction to STORMWORKS


STORMWORKS is organized in Chapters. Within each Chapter, you can see the instrumentation, score notes, and listen to full tracks.  Scroll to see the Pieces within each Chapter.  Use the menu above to select the Chapter.



Discover Kakehashi: That We Might Live 
Learn about PHOTO®hytm and VisaREEL™
Listen to STAR!  

See Rehearsals and much more! 
Subscribe to the 400+ Videos at the STORMChannel



Produce positive, quantifiable results. Nothing "slick" here. Just HYPERTools™ for Good Teachers!

“Melillo is to wind music what Beethoven was to the symphony orchestra, and he follows a Beethovenesque design of increasing the musical tension almost to the breaking point, receding, and then reaching again. It is superlative musical craftsmanship and inspiring to hear.”  Marvin Sosna, Music Critic

“His S-MATRIX Symphony was fabulous, full of childlike wonderment as the composer intended and marvelous sounds.  And they worked to maximum effect — a brilliant, original use of orchestral resources for a sophisticated, sensational, beautiful and satisfying experience.”   Nancy R. Ping-Robbins, Music Critic

“...a new voice in the direction of music, his sound – a bridge between the serious and the immediately visceral.”  Maestro Gerhardt Zimmerman, Conductor

“If you want to know what the human spirit really is, you must, Yes - Must come to the Z tonight to hear a phenomenal world premiere that will put tears in your eyes. Symphony No. IIII by Stephen Melillo is a very powerful work. I am not embarrassed to admit that when I saw the score for the first time, I was in tears. What a powerful and moving work. It was commissioned by the Canton Symphony Orchestra for the 25th anniversary of the ADA (American Disabilities Act).  Your soul will be opened."  Maestro Gerhardt Zimmerman, Conductor


“...his ability to create a mood, find precisely the right touch of drama and create the needed effect was manifest... the sustained chords in the choir, the timpani’s roar, the harp’s glissandos.  Melillo used them all with a sense of absolute rightness and the result was fresh, joyful and exciting... each measure scored with an unerring ear for drama and emotion.”  John S. Sweeney, Music Critic

“He could become the Leonard Bernstein of this age... Everything he creates has many layers, ranging from synchronicity to the significance of numbers, from visceral emotions to the brotherhood of mankind.” John S. Sweeney, Music Critic